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How to Clean Stuffed Animals Properly

November 12, 2023
how to clean stuffed animals

Stuffed animals are cute and fun to look at – but they can also get dirty quickly, especially if they’re played with often. Dust mites can also be an issue.

The good news is that they’re relatively easy to clean. If anything, you just need some water and some soap or gentle detergent.

Can you machine wash stuffed animals? Should they be hand washed? What other products can you clean them with?

For the answers, be sure to keep reading. We’ll be going over how to wash a stuffed animal in detail below!

How to Clean Stuffed Animals

The first step is to determine whether or not the stuffed animal is safe for machine washing or if it requires hand washing.

cleaning stuffed animals1

For example, some toys with glued-on or electronic parts may need special attention. The same goes for older stuffed animals that may be more delicate. Remember, always check the care instructions before you start.

Depending on how dirty your plush frriend is, you may also be able to get away with spot cleaning – you can just use a damp cloth with some soapy water.

The Role of Laundry Detergent

ACTIVE Detergent is the best choice when it comes to washing your stuffed toy. Not only is it made from natural ingredients but it also contains enzymes that will physically break down the gunk.

And it’s versatile – you can use it for machine washing and manual washing by hand.

Drying Your Stuffed Friends Safely

drying stuffed toy

The way you dry your plush toys is important. Ideally, you want to squeeze it gently after washing to get out the extra water, then let them air dry in a well ventilated area.

You can also use a hair dryer on a cool setting, but make sure not to hold it too close.

Check the Care Instructions

Just like your clothes, you want to check the care tag before washing your stuffed animal. For example, it’s not uncommon for some plushes to be hand wash only – and if that’s the case, it’ll say that on the care tag.

If there’s no tag or if the tag doesn’t include any instructions, don’t worry. The general rule is to treat them like delicate items and wash them by hand.

Preparing Your Stuffed Animals for Cleaning

Use a Damp Cloth

Before you clean the stuffed toys, use a damp cloth to spot clean and remove dust – that’ll prevent further stains during washing.

Remember not to drench the toy but gently wipe it down instead. If there are stubborn spots, use a mild laundry detergent such as ACTIVE detergent.

Use a White Cloth

You might ask why specifically use white? The answer is simple – color transfer. When you’re trying to get rid of those pesky juice or chocolate stains from your plushies, colored cloths may bleed dye onto them making matters worse.

To avoid turning Teddy into rainbow bear unintentionally, always opt for white cloths while spot treating.

Washing Plush Toys By Hand

You can easily wash your stuffed animals by hand – you just need a large tub or sink and some detergent.

Step 1: Create a Detergent Solution

active detergent

Fill a tub with cold water and add a small amount of ACTIVE Detergent.

Step 2: Place Them In the Solution

create a soapy solution

Gently immerse your beloved toy in the soapy water solution.

A key point here is not to drown it completely but to allow it to soak in the mixture. That will ensure gentle yet thorough cleansing without damaging any delicate fabric or glued-on eyes on the stuffed animal.

Step 3: Rinse with Water

rinse with water

After soaking, rinse the stuffed animals with cold water until the water runs clear; that means there are no more soap residues left on the fabric.


  • ACTIVE Detergent
  • Water
  • Soft bristle brush (optional)

Never twist or wring out the stuffed animal as that can damage the material.

active det transparent shadow

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How to Machine Wash Stuffed Animals

Most stuffed animals can be put in the washing machine. Here’s how to do it.


  • ACTIVE Detergent
  • Laundry bag
  • Hair dryer (optional)

Step 1:

Place your stuffed animals in a large mesh bag. It will act as a barrier, protecting them from damage during the cycle.

If you don’t have a mesh bag, you can improvise with a large zippered pillowcase.

laundry bag

Step 2:

Add one scoop of ACTIVE Detergent to the drum. Skip the fabric softeners.

activewear laundry detergent gym clothing deodorizer

Step 3:

Run a gentle wash cycle.

Using cold water is key here; too much heat can damage glued-on parts or distort shapes.

washing machine settings

Step 4:

After washing, gently squeeze out the excess water and lay it flat on a dry towel and let it air dry completely, if possible.

If not, use a hair dryer on low heat setting, making sure to keep moving around so there’s no risk of overheating one spot.

washed stuff animal1

Removing Odors from Stuffed Animals

You can freshen up their beloved plushie with something you likely already have in your kitchen: baking soda.

The Power of Baking Soda

This humble pantry staple is not just for cooking and cleaning around the house. It also works wonders on smelly stuffed animals.


  • Baking soda
  • Handheld vacuum cleaner
add baking soda 1

Step 1:

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the toy and let it sit overnight. The baking soda will absorb any nasty smells leaving behind a fresher scent.

teddy bear1

Step 2:

The next morning, shake off all excess powder outdoors or use a handheld vacuum cleaner.

Make sure every last bit of baking soda is gone because leftover residue could irritate delicate skin or eyes.

Tips for Cleaning Specific Types of Plush Toys

Every stuffed animal is unique, not just in how it sparks joy and memories but also in the way it needs to be cleaned. From your child’s favorite teddy bear to those precious beanie babies, each requires a slightly different approach.

Cleaning Stuffed Animals By Hand

To clean plush toys that are too delicate for machine washing or have electronic parts (e.g. built in battery packs), hand washing with ACTIVE detergent is recommended.


  • ACTIVE Detergent
  • Water

Step 1:

Fill a large sink or container with cold water and add some ACTIVE Detergent.

activewear laundry detergent gym clothing deodorizer

Step 2:

Agitate the water to dissolve the detergent and submerge the stuffed animal so that it’s completely saturated in the mixture.

soak teddy1

Step 3:

Rinse the stuffed animal thoroughly under cold running water until the water runs clear.

Gently squeeze out excess water before letting it air dry in a well-ventilated space.

running water kitchen

Step 4:

Gently squeeze out excess water before letting it air dry in a well-ventilated space.

air dry teddy1

Caring for and Cleaning Your Beanie Babies

Beanie Babies need extra care due to their filled beans which can get ruined when soaked in soapy water.


  • White cloth
  • ACTIVE Detergent
activewear laundry detergent gym clothing deodorizer

Step 1:

Dissolve some ACTIVE Detergent in water to create a soapy solution.

white cloth1

Step 2:

Dampen a clean, white cloth with the detergent solution and use it to spot clean the Beanie Baby.

How to Clean Stuffed Animals – FAQs

What is the best way to clean stuffed animals?

The best cleaning method hinges on your toy’s material and care instructions. Generally speaking, however, hand washing with a gentle detergent such as the one by ACTIVE is best for delicate toys, while machine washable ones can go in on a cool, gentle cycle.

Is it OK to put stuffed animals in the wash?

Yes, if they’re tagged as machine-washable. Pop them into a mesh laundry bag first though, and choose a gentle cycle with cold water. Non washable toys or hand wash only toys should be spot-cleaned with a clean white cloth.

Can you sanitize a stuffed animal in the dryer?

Nope, not always. Check their care label first because heat can harm some materials. Air drying is the best choice.

Do I need to use a mesh laundry bag?

Using a mesh bag will provide your toy with an additional layer of protection so that it will be less likely to be damaged during the wash cycle.

How do you clean and refresh stuffed animals?

You can remove stains by spot cleaning or full-on washing, depending on the type of stuffed animal. To refresh and remove odors, try sprinkling baking soda over your plushie before vacuuming it off after 15 minutes.

Is it better to hand wash my teddy bear?

Washing your stuffed toy by hand will be gentler on the fabric, meaning that it’ll likely last longer.

How can I remove stains from my stuffed plush?

You can spot-treat the area with a soft bristled brush and a cleaning solution made from ACTIVE detergent powder and water. Mild soap also works in a pinch.


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Picture of Sophia Grant

Sophia Grant

Sophia Grant brings her extensive knowledge of laundry and clothing care to the masses with her intensive cleaning guides. Her thorough understanding of fabrics, detergents, and washing techniques helps readers master the art of maintaining their wardrobe. Sophia's advice ensures that anyone can achieve professional-level results at home, keeping their garments looking pristine and lasting longer.

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