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Clean & Deodorize Your Stinky Gym Bag

April 4, 2024

A good gym bag is a must if you workout regularly. Ideally, you want one that’s big enough to store all of your essentials including your workout clothes, shoes, towel, water bottle, and other sports equipment.

And like your gym clothes, your bag also needs to be washed – ideally, once every few weeks. That will prevent odors from developing and keep it looking good.

The last thing that you want is to be that ‘smelly person’ at the gym!

How to Clean Gym Bag – Duffels & Backpacks

Now and then, you’ll want to wash your gym bag with water and a mild detergent. To do that, you can either use the washing machine (most gym bags are machine washable) or do it by hand.

Machine Washing Your Gym Bag

Before you start, check the washing label – it’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to wash the gym bag.

Step 1: Prepare the Bag

close zippers

Close all the zippers; that will prevent them from damaging the fabric during the wash cycle. Also, make sure to secure all velcro attachments that might be on the straps.

Step 2: Use a Laundry Bag

clothes in laundry bag

Place the gym bag in a large laundry bag. It’ll act as a barrier, reducing the amount of friction between the bag and your other laundry (assuming that you’re washing it with other garments).

Step 3: Add ACTIVE Detergent

active detergent

Once the bag is in the washer, add one scoop of ACTIVE Detergent. Skip the bleach and fabric conditioner.

Step 4: Run a Wash Cycle

chose cycle settings

Choose a gentle setting and run a wash cycle with cold water.

Step 5: Let It Air Dry

air dry bag

Once the cycle is finished, take it out of the machine and hang it up to dry. Do not put it in the dryer – the fabric will deteriorate if exposed to heat.

For the best results, avoid washing your gym bag with delicate items.

active det transparent shadow

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Washing Your Gym Bag by Hand

You can also wash your gym bag by hand – you just need a large sink.


  • ACTIVE Detergent
  • Water
  • Clean towel

Step 1:

Fill a large bucket (or sink) with warm water and stir in a scoop of ACTIVE Detergent.

Using your hand, agitate the water to dissolve the powder – you should end up with a bubbly mixture.

activewear laundry detergent gym clothing deodorizer

Step 2:

Swirl the gym bag around a few times before picking it up. Run it under clean water to remove the detergent.

Continue until the water runs clear.

soak in soapy solution

Step 3:

Gently squeeze out the excess water and transfer it to a clean flat surface.

You can also press down on the bag with a towel to remove the water. Let it dry completely before storing it away.

lay towel

Removing Stains From Your Gym Bag

Did you spill something on your gym bag? ACTIVE Detergent will take care of that.


  • Small bowl
  • ACTIVE Detergent
  • Water
  • Old toothbrush
bowl of bleach

Step 1:

In a small bowl, dissolve some of the powder in warm water.

scrub with old toothbrush

Step 2:

Using an old toothbrush, apply the mixture to the problem area and let it soak through the fabric for at least 30 minutes; that will give the enzymes in the detergent time to break down the stain.

running water kitchen

Step 3:

Rinse thoroughly with cool water afterwards. If the stain is still visible, repeat the steps again.

Best Ways to Deodorize Your Gym Bag

Here are a few things that you can do in between cleanings if you’re dealing with that ‘gym bag smell’:

Use Tea Bags

Don’t throw away your used tea bags – you can use them to eliminate odors.


  • Tea bags
  • Scissors

Step 1:

Using a pair of scissors, carefully cut open the used tea bags and remove the leaves.

cut open tea bag

Step 2:

Dry the leaves with a few paper towels, then sprinkle them over your gym bag. Leave them there until they’re dry, then remove the leaves.

paper towels

Alternatively, you can place three to four unused teabags inside your gym bag. For the best results, leave them inside for a couple of days.

Use Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are not just for the dryer – you can also use them to get rid of odors.


  • Dryer sheets
use a dryer sheet

Step 1:

Place a few dryer sheets inside the gym bag and leave them there for a couple of days.

replace with new dryer sheet

Step 2:

If the odor is still present, replace the old sheet with a new one.

Avoid using dryer sheets if you are sensitive to strong fragrances.

Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a natural air purifier and can also help prevent mold and mildew growth.


  • Activated charcoal
  • Small cloth bag

Step 1:

Fill a small cloth bag with activated charcoal and place it inside your gym bag. The charcoal will automatically absorb and eliminate any smells.

activated charcoal1

Step 2:

Remove the charcoal bag after a couple of days.

charcoal bag1

You can also buy pre-filled charcoal bags instead of making your own.

Use White Vinegar

White vinegar is mildly acidic and is great for removing odors.


  • White vinegar
  • Water
vinegar solution in sink

Step 1:

Fill a large tub with cold water and add one cup of white vinegar.

wait 20 min

Step 2:

Leave the bag in the mixture for at least 20 minutes – that will give the vinegar ample time to neutralize the odors.

Apple white vinegar is a suitable alternative if you don’t have white vinegar.

Add Baking Soda

Baking soda won’t just mask the smell, it’ll eliminate it.


  • Baking soda
  • Water

Step 1:

Fill a large tub with cool water, then add one cup of baking soda. Mix well to combine.

cup of baking soda

Step 2:

Place your gym bag in the baking soda solution and let it sit for at least 30 minutes, before rinsing with water.

wait 20 min

How to Prevent Your Gym Bag From Smelling

Here are a few steps that you can take to keep your bag smelling fresh.


  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Damp cloth (optional)
  • Essential oils
  • Spray bottle
  • Water
how to clean gym bags

Step 1:

Empty the bag as soon as you get home. Don’t keep your sweaty clothes inside.

It’s also a good idea to unzip the bag and let it air out.

antibacterial wipe

Step 2:

Make it a daily (weekly, at the very least) habit to clean the inside of your bag.

You can either use antibacterial wipes or a damp cloth – just remember to dry it thoroughly afterwards.

cleaning with vinegar

Step 3:

Fill a spray bottle with water, then add a few drops of essential oil. You can them mist the bag with the mixture.

Avoid using essential oils if you have pets as many are toxic to animals.

Try to keep your shoes out of the bag if possible as the grime from the soles can easily transfer onto the fabric, which can result in odors.


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Picture of Sophia Grant

Sophia Grant

Sophia Grant brings her extensive knowledge of laundry and clothing care to the masses with her intensive cleaning guides. Her thorough understanding of fabrics, detergents, and washing techniques helps readers master the art of maintaining their wardrobe. Sophia's advice ensures that anyone can achieve professional-level results at home, keeping their garments looking pristine and lasting longer.

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