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How to Clean a Yoga Mat

April 22, 2024

How often do you clean your yoga mat? Because it can easily become contaminated with unwanted residue.

For example, it can absorb the sweat, dirt, and oils from your feet and the floor.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. For example, you can use mild dish soap or yoga mat wipes to clean your dirty yoga mat.

How often should you deep clean your yoga mats? Can you use a homemade cleaning solution? For the answers, be sure to keep reading. We’ll be going over the answers below!

Importance of Cleaning Your Yoga Mat Regularly

how to clean a yoga matYour yoga mat can quickly turn into a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi if not cleaned regularly. According to the Centers for Disease Control, flu viruses can survive on a yoga mat surface for up to 24 hours while cold viruses last several days.

Beyond that, skin infection-causing fungi like Staphylococcus aureus could also thrive on the surface.

The good news is: that regular cleaning of your yoga mat will help keep these unwanted guests at bay. Remember, it isn’t just about cleanliness but also about health implications.

How Often to Clean Your Yoga Mat

Experts recommend cleaning after each use if you have had any history of skin infections or fungal issues.

But even if your medical chart reads cleaner than Cinderella’s floors, still aim to give your yoga mat a deep clean once every week.

Natural Cleaning Solutions for Your Yoga Mat

A natural cleaning solution can be an effective way to maintain the freshness and durability of your yoga mats. Here are some options.

Using White Vinegar

You can create your own cleaning solution using equal parts water and white vinegar. This simple yet powerful homemade mixture works well in getting rid of any unpleasant odors while also acting as a disinfectant.

All you need is a spray bottle. Simply mix warm water with white vinegar in a one-to-one ratio and – voila. You’ve created your own DIY yoga mat cleaner that’s both economical and eco-friendly.

Tea Tree Oil

yoga mat natural cleaningIf you want something stronger with additional antibacterial properties, consider adding tea tree oil into the equation.

A few drops mixed in with our earlier concoction make an ideal cleaning agent for those sweat-soaked post-hot-yoga sessions where deep cleaning might be needed.

Tea tree oil not only boosts the antibacterial power but also lends its distinct aroma making every Savasana session smell like nature itself.

Different Methods to Clean Your Yoga Mat

Let’s dive into some ways you can get your closed-cell yoga mat clean. Remember, a well-maintained mat not only lasts longer but also helps in avoiding nasty skin infections.

Tip: It’s always a good idea to check the mat’s care instructions before you start cleaning.

Hand Washing Your Yoga Mat

The first method is hand washing. Fill a basin with lukewarm water and put in a few drops of dish detergent.

Dip your soft cloth or microfiber towel into the soapy water, then gently scrub both sides of the entire mat.

This method works best for mats that absorb sweat and need deep cleaning regularly. But don’t soak it too long. Rinse with fresh warm water after cleaning, making sure no soap residue remains on the surface.

Machine Washing Your Yoga Mat

You’ll want to use gentle cycle settings and cold water to avoid damaging the material;

Also, skip the bleach and fabric softener. Instead, opt for a mild laundry detergent.

Last but definitely not least: NEVER put your yoga mat in the dryer – let it air dry completely instead.

Drying and Storing Your Yoga Mat

how to store a yoga matAfter a refreshing yoga session, you might be tempted to roll up your mat and stash it away immediately.

But that’s bad news for the longevity of your beloved mat. A damp mat is a breeding ground for bacteria, especially if rolled up tight right after use. So always let the entire surface of the yoga mat air dry first.

Let the mat dry completely before storing it – that’s key to prevent molding and mildew.

Don’t just leave it out on any flat surface though; an air-drying rack works wonders in maintaining its shape while allowing adequate airflow around it.

Taking Care Of New Mats: Breaking In & Storage Tips

New mats can feel slippery at first but don’t worry, there’s a simple fix – coarse salt scrubbing. Just like seasoning a cast iron pan makes food taste better, this method will improve grip by breaking down that slick factory layer.

To store your now-dry-and-grippy friend properly post-practice: roll loosely instead of folding (to avoid creases), and keep away from direct sunlight (it can cause discoloration) and extreme temperatures (they could warp its structure).

How to Clean a Yoga Mat – FAQs

What is the best way to clean a yoga mat?

Cleaning your yoga mat once a week with homemade natural solutions, like vinegar or tea tree oil, can keep it fresh and germ-free.

What can I use to clean my rubber yoga mat?

You can safely clean your rubber yoga mat using a mix of warm water and mild soap. Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach that might damage the material.

How do you clean a yoga mat naturally?

You can create an effective natural cleaner by combining equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add some drops of tea tree oil for extra antibacterial properties.

Can I use alcohol wipes to deep clean my yoga mat?

You sure can. Alcohol wipes are handy for quick cleaning after each session but remember they aren’t meant for deep cleaning which should be done regularly too.

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Picture of Sophia Grant

Sophia Grant

Sophia Grant brings her extensive knowledge of laundry and clothing care to the masses with her intensive cleaning guides. Her thorough understanding of fabrics, detergents, and washing techniques helps readers master the art of maintaining their wardrobe. Sophia's advice ensures that anyone can achieve professional-level results at home, keeping their garments looking pristine and lasting longer.

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